Friday, July 31, 2009

[. Sour Morning .]

I woke up before noon.

Some people may not know the significance of this.

However, I will alert one to this fact: "Wake up before noon" is literally on my To Do List (TDL). Must not happen very much, eh? :S

Also, I watched my first episode of 30 Rock and I'm in love. I'm a little Liz Lemon (if that's remembering her name correctly). I would so do the hot dog thing. And be a writer. And have integrity over all else. I want to grow up to be a Lemon. :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning, just popping along to say hi from Scotland (via Swapbot). Your reading list is soooo long. I simply don't have time to read (or the patience!!). Too much to do and looking after the daughter. Hope you are fine and get lots of blog visitors. Sorry it's late, but haven't logged on for a couple of days.